#SmallBizBigImpact - Love God. Love People. Keep Moving.

When you’re passionate about serving others, as I am and have always been, the option of giving up is totally off the table, but…

Coach Donna Marie Johnson
3 min readApr 9, 2019

…slowing down or briefly pausing is totally on the table.

“Stop means pause & proceed with caution when you are passionately selflessly serving your audience.” ~ Donna Marie Johnson

I had to stop doing my annual conference under the old brand (Market Like A Queen) so that I could find a way forward for continuing to serve better and make bigger impact under a new brand (Lead Like A Queen).

In order to find that way forward, I put my business on hold. I cut my team loose. I began working on me more intensely than ever before. Anyone who knows me knows that I am always learning and always working on me. However, this time, this work took a bigger pivot because I enrolled in graduate school to get a business degree from a university that has core values and culture which align with my own, from a biblical worldview.

I knew that I needed to understand business in a more systematic, scholarly way so that I can serve small / solo / micro business leaders (usually authors and speakers) in a more systematic, scholarly way. Working towards this degree has been the best decision of my career as a small business coach and consultant, and as an author and speaker.

I also know that I always want to keep understanding small business from a broader biblical worldview. My graduate studies since early 2017 have totally expanded my thinking as a small business leader.

Part of the fruit of my growth is the book I wrote in January 2019, “Small Biz Big Impact But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World”. It is now available for free to my newsletter subscribers.

The goal of this book is to encourage small business leaders and inspire them because if we don’t keep each other encouraged, who will? #SmallBizBigImpact

In the book, I address important small business leadership topics that can help you grow personally and support you with enhancing the impact you have on your audience as an author and speaker, including:

* “small” business (the word small is misleading here)
* diversity & teamwork
* selfless service, humility, & servant leadership
* empowerment & faith
* hope & healing

If you watch the book trailer preview, you will see that I discussed how each of these terms relates to you as a small business leader and to the impact your small business can make in this world.

Link: amazon.com/author/donnamariejohnson

I hope that you’ll check out the extended book excerpt and preview I shared on my WordPress blog at LeadLikeAQueen.biz. If what I shared there is a blessing to you, let me know and share it with another author or speaker who needs this inspiration, information and encouragement.

~ Donna

P.S. Disclaimer — If you’re the type of person still trying to figure out “why” your small biz should make big impact, instead of just trying to make more money, this is not the book for you. It’s for those who are passionate about serving others and needing information, inspiration, and encouragement to keep moving forward as they make more money.



Coach Donna Marie Johnson

Podcast Host and Life Coach. Overcoming trauma as a black woman leader pursuing lofty goals. I support you to plant your seeds of transformation so you can too.