How to Stop Perfectionism From Killing You (& Your Good Relationships)

Coach Donna Marie Johnson
4 min readAug 7, 2022

NOTE: I changed the name of my medium blog from Lead Like A Queen to Plant Your Seeds of Transformation because that’s what I support people with doing through my podcast, videos, and writing. So, not a change in what I do, just a change in the branding so you can find me more easily across all of my platforms online.


One of the most important things I have been doing for years now is sharing my own journey through divorcing perfectionism. You can read about this in previous articles here on Medium. In a nutshell, toxic perfectionism is unrealistic expectation that can lead to you getting stuck in an unhealthy mental-emotional cycle that drives behavior that is actually unhealthy and unproductive, even when that behavior may seem like it is productive and can help you be excellent or perfect.

About The Podcast

To gain more perspective on this very complex topic of perfectionism, I started a podcast called Plant Your Seeds of Transformation. This year, I started talking to other women leaders on this topic of perfectionism, and you can listen or watch via any podcast platform or YouTube. You will find the show notes at These ladies who were my guests on the show have been so gracious to share their own stories on how they have either dealt with perfectionism in their own lives or helped others to do…



Coach Donna Marie Johnson

Podcast Host and Life Coach. Overcoming trauma as a black woman leader pursuing lofty goals. I support you to plant your seeds of transformation so you can too.